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Beachguide » Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)
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Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)

Shore road in Poole (sometimes referred to as Evening Hill or Whitely Bay) is a small protected bay within Poole Harbour. The ‘beach’ consists of sand and river silt and is backed by a concrete sea defence with a number of access points.
Submitted by:
22nd May 2004
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Photo of Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) beach -
 Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)
 by: SeanBo
Photo of Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) beach -
 Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)
 by: SeanBo

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Situated in the South Easterly corner of Poole Harbour (Latitude 50:41:46N Longitude 1:55:55W), this area was designated as a dedicated windsurfing area by the local council a number of years ago, but is now also popular with the Kite-surf Fraternity. Poole is considered to be one of the premier flat-water blasting venues in the country and is quoted as one of the top 10 venues to learn to windsurf (and therefore Kite-surf?) in the world.

The harbour itself is very tidal and experiences a fairly rare double tide effect. This double tide combined with the shallow, gently shelving nature of the area mean that tides should always be checked when planning a session (unless you enjoy carrying your kit a long way over soft sand/silt!). In summary the area is un-sailable about 1 hour each side of the low tides (extending to about 1.5 hours either side of a spring tide). On the positive side, at certain tide states it is possible to stand up more than ½ mile from the shore thus the venues popularity with beginners and intermediates.

Parking is best on the side of the road round the edge of the bay, but will fill up very early during the peak season. Parking charges vary throughout the year from Free in the winter months to the dizzy heights of approx £10.00 per day (2004) in the peak season. Machines do not give change and can be a bit temperamental with £2.00 coins, but the wardens are diligent so make sure you get a ticket! Parking is permissible for cars, vans, trailers and motor-homes, but not caravans. A separate tariff applies to motor-homes/trailers/large vehicles – check the signs!

Rigging is possible on the promenade itself, or on some of the grassy areas between the sea wall and the road. There is also a large sand/reed bank popular for rigging with the kite-surfers. Take note of the signs warning not to block the promenade entirely as some of the locals can be a bit funny!

Access to the water can depend on the tide, but it is possible to hop over/off most parts of the sea wall. Where this is trickier, there are some ramps/steps for general use. Beware that they can be very slippery and the rough concrete edges can eat kit (the voice of experience talking here!).

Inline with the popularity of the venue there are four local windsurfing shops, three of which currently run equipment hire and lessons in the area. There is also a dedicated water-sports organisation that has some equipment for hire.

Local facilities are excellent with toilets, cafes, shops and (during summer) external showers. For families there is also an excellent sandy beach (Sandbanks) on the ‘front’ along with some ice-cream parlours, hotels, crazy golf, putting etc. Dog access to the beach is restricted on the sandbanks beach during the summer, but there are some areas where dogs are allowed all year round.

Poole itself is a popular holiday destination and offers most seaside town amenities including Guesthouses, B&B’s, Caravan/Camping Sites (nearby), Hotels, Cafes, Bistro’s, Restaurants, Shops, and Amusements etc. It can be very busy in the summer, but the crowds disappear just in time for the autumn gales and winter sailing is not as hardcore as it can be elsewhere in the UK. Poole can offer an ideal family holiday venue at most times of year, depending on your requirements.

Overall the venue is excellent for Windsurfing and Kite-surfing. It may be possible to try some kite-landboarding or buggying, but the sand can be a bit soft so the locals tend to use Baiter Park instead (see separate report)

NOTE - Sadly during the last couple of years there has been a spate of thefts in the area. The general trend is to watch you rig and launch, retrieve your keys from where you hid them (top of wheel, under bumper etc) and then use your transport to whisk the remains of your kit away. The vehicle is often found later minus kit, stereo, wallet, phone etc. Taking your key with you is the best prevention, failing that the local shop will look after it on your behalf. Don’t think it won’t happen to you or that you will see them… could and you won’t!

That said, be careful and you will have some great times at this venue!
Sports Suitability
Surfing thumbs_down
Surf Conditions at Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) are Not Good
Buggying star
Buggying Conditions at Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) can be OK
Windsurfing starstarstar
Windsurfing Conditions at Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) can be Excellent
kitesurfing starstarstar
Kitesurfing Conditions at Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) can be Excellent
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay) Kitesurfing at Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)
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Comments on Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)


There is 1 comment about Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay). This is shown belowPost a Comment
Author:Beachguide Comments » Poole – Shore Road (Evening Hill or Whitley Bay)
Posted By: bmthpoolekc

Member#: 11474
Registered: 28-03-2014
Last Visit: 31-03-2014


As of April 2014, permits are required because too many kiters have still been launching/landing too close to pedestrians and the road. With a few kites and kiters crash landing on the pavement, cars and road again in 2013.

To prevent a ban, please walk the kite at least two line lengths away from the road/pavement before launching. Use the widest part of the beach, not the narrowest. Thank you to the majority who do help others launch and land safely.

"Kite Surfing, launching or landing is not permitted between the shore and the 50m buoyed exclusion zone at Whitley Lake."

"No Kite Surfer shall be operated in the Harbour by any person who is not in possession of a “Kite Surfing Permit”. Such a permit denotes a declaration that the holder has at least 3rd party public liability insurance , a competency statement to confirm ability to self-rescue and deep water pack down , has paid the relevant dues and agrees to abide by appropriate terms and conditions issued by the Harbour Master"

"These terms and conditions shall apply in all parts of the Harbour, as defined by article 4 of the 2012 Order (“the Harbour”). This includes seaward of the Harbour entrance and along the Sandbanks Peninsular."

"Offences may lead to prosecution under Poole Harbour General Directions for which the maximum fine is £2,500 plus costs." /> l-Direction.pdf
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